Hi, my name is Niki.  I was born 29.10.1988.  So, I am almost fifteen.
Since the age  of four I have been practising gymnastics. I have  taken
part at several gymnastic contests and shows, already.  For example I
was in Holland, at the contest:   Stern von Kinder,   in 1997. I finished
at the second place.   I performed   at a couple of  television shows in
different European countries.  At a  TV show in Spain I was given the
first price.  (Many thanks to Catalin Petrescu for saving a small clip at
VeoVeo Gala 1999).

I attend  an elementary school in  Budapest,  so I have  to  study a lot.
Besides  my  studies I  spend  my time  with  developing my gymnastic
skills further.

My family:    parents  and  my little sister,  Anna,   live i n a nice house.
We  have a little garden also,  where  I used to do my trainings,  if the
weather is good enough.  If  it is not I have to use the  dining room, or
my sister's room, or my own room, or at last the stairway.
Sometimes I pose for photographers. If you like my pictures, you can
nd more below. I have got a short video footage(01.08.2002.)of my
training, also. My hobby is painting. If you want to contact me, please,
feel free to write an e-mail:


I would like to visit my garandma and attend a special contortion school
in Mongolia this summer.   This is  a  question of  money at  the moment.

Any little donation is welcome.

I have to say  thank you to  Mr. Hanahai  from China and  all the others,
who sent contortion photos and videos to me. Besides I ask you, please
stop sending your collection, I am not a collector. I could share some of
these photos with all the other visitors on this
site, but that is all.

                           Special greetings go to:

Mr. D.d l T. ,   USA   www.contortion library.com  here are more shots
Mr. S.G.,  Germany    www.flexigirls.de
Mr. R.Z. ,     Swiss
Mr. M.T. ,    Japan
Mr. H.W.H,  China
Mr. J.D.       China     www.chinesecontortion.com

      and thanks to   www.possic.de      and       www.contorsion.com

Finally here are some photos:    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

and videos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    If download does not work, please try my mirror site.

  In case, that you wish to use my banner (left, top) , please feel free do so.

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UPDATED: 2003.03.30